Saturday, April 27, 2013

Green tea benefits

More than one million people in America suffer from cancer every year. Out of every 4 deaths one is because of cancer in the U.S. After heart disease, cancer is the second major cause of deaths in America. One in two men and one in every three women is at a risk of developing cancer.


Early detections, diagnosis and early treatments can increase your chances of survival. It is important for you to be well informed about the various types of cancers and also their risk factors. World Health Organization claims that you can reduce the chances of developing cancer by 40% by taking a healthy diet, regular exercising and by avoiding tobacco.
Though advancements in cancer medications have been made from time to time, there are some naturally available remedies that have proven to be effective for treating cancer. Green tea is one such natural ingredient. From heart disease to cancer, green tea has a cure for all.
The leaves of the camellia sinensis are dried and steamed to produce green tea. It has originated from China and now it is being used in most parts of the world, especially in the West where black tea has always been the first
choice. Besides its usage as a tradition tea it is also being incorporated to numerous health foods, beverages and dietary supplements.
The consumption of green tea by Chinese dates back to 3000 years and in other Asian countries it has been used for at least 1000 years. Currently researchers are trying to analyze its health benefits for humans.
It has been used by herbalists for ages for the treatment of stomach problems, diarrhea, vomiting, tooth decay, cholesterol, blood pressure, bacterial infections and heart diseases.
A cup of green tea supplements your body with highest amounts of flavanoids as compared to the same volume of other drinks such as fruit and vegetable juices and wine.The essential chemicals having antioxidant properties called polyphenols are found abundantly in green tea.
There are certain useful compounds contained by the green tea leaves that are currently being used in several types of drugs. One such compound extracted from green is sinecatechins, which is used in the production of certain ointments effective for treating genital warts (Veregen cream is an example approved by FDA, Food and Drug Association, US).
Another vital extract from their leaves are the epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG; preliminary researches prove the effectiveness of this compound for treating chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Another research at the University of Strathclyde proved that EGCG can cure skin cancer tumors up to 40%. It has also been indicated by some reports that green tea may help to prevent certain types of cancer such as stomach, colon, esophagus, bladder, lung, prostrate, pancreas and breast.
The problem with the cancer cells is that they do not die and keep on growing and spreading. EGCG helps to kill some types of these cancer cells.
How green tea works? Laboratory studies reveal that the vital compounds found in green tea stops the production of new blood vessels that supplies the blood to the cancer cells; this halts their growth and destroys them completely. Another study was conducted on Asian-American women; women who took green tea regularly, they showed reduced risk of breast cancer compared to non- tea drinkers.
Another study was conducted on people suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia, CLL, phase 1. The patients were given green tea extracts in the form of pills. Beneficial results were obtained as EGCG reduced the number of cancer cells. However, further studies are required to determine whether the drug can work in later stages or not.
Prostate intraepithelial neoplasia, a disease that can lead to prostate cancer; it can also be effectively treated by green tea extracts, according to an Italian research published in the year 2006. Two groups were made consisting of the patients suffering from this disease. Half were given green tea extracts while the other half got sham pills. The group that got green tea extracts did not develop prostate cancer whereas men taking placebos did. However, when patients with prostate cancer were given the same extract it did not reduce the cancer from spreading.

According to the recent analysis of 22 researches, a correlation between green tea consumption and reduced risk of lung cancer was observed. It has also been suggested to take 2 cups of green tea daily as it can reduce the risk of lung cancer up to 18%.
Though the results of the preliminary researches are promising for cancer cure, a lot of evidence and further clinical researches are still required to support these claims.
A Japanese research has also found its benefits for the people with the cancer of esophagus.
Researchers are unsure about how much amount of green tea should be consumed for beneficial results. In Asia more than 3 cups are consumed daily. You can make it by brewing 1 to 2 teaspoon of dried tea leaves in a cup of water, steep it for 3 to 5 minutes. Green tea is easily available in the market under several brand names.
You can also get capsules containing green tea extracts, but do not take them without consulting a doctor.
Although there are not many side effects reported after taking green tea, still a moderate intake is considered safe. There are only a few number of people that might get some allergic reactions by consuming green tea. Too much intake of green tea can cause lack of sleep, nausea, nervousness and irritability.

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